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# Math 94 Lecture 2 Summer 2023 Syllabus Exploration of Mathematics in the Physical World Rediscovering Mathematics and Introduction to Basic Programming **Instructor:** Bon-Soon Lin **Email:** my first name in one word all lower case no hyphenation @gmail.com or @ucla.edu **Office hours:** **MONDAY 4pm at Boelter 8251** **Class schedule and locations:** - Lecture / Class time: - MTW, 12PM – 1:30PM, BOELTER 8251 - TR, 9AM – 10:30AM, BOELTER 8251 - Seminar: - R, 12PM – 1:30PM, HERSHEY 158 - Discussion / Lab: - R, 2PM – 4PM, PIC Lab: 2000 MS - F, 12PM – 1:30PM, PIC Lab: 2000 MS MS = Mathematical Science Building ## Course Description. In this course, we will focus on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the application of logical deduction, algebra, geometry, and calculus. We will solve various problems and puzzles, and explore the historical use of mathematics in science and the development of various mathematical principles. For example, how did the ancients use trigonometry to reckon our place in the solar system? Why and how were logarithm and exponential function discovered? How do limits, differentiation, and integration from calculus solve and model physical problems? In addition to this mathematical exploration, the course will have a hands-on computing component. Students will learn how to write computer programs and use existing computing tools to tackle tasks and solve problems, enhancing their understanding and application of mathematical concepts. ## Learning objectives. 1. To reinforce mathematical concepts encompassing logical deduction, algebra, geometry, and calculus. 2. To cultivate problem-solving skills through quantitative reasoning and learn how to deal with challenges. 3. To acquire a basic understanding in computing and to write programs to solve problems. 4. To develop collaboration and communication skills with peers. Above all, we aim to make the pursuit of mathematics an enjoyable experience! Discovering the "why" behind mathematical principles and skillfully working through problems is bound to evoke a sense of delight. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that occasional frustration with math may arise, and this course will emphasize the vital skill of managing and overcoming such challenges. ## Course material. All course material and worksheets will be posted online. (On Canvas and our unofficial course webpage.) Student should keep a notebook to record their work. ## Grading. The class will be based on three components: - 30 % Homework journal and worksheets portfolio. (turn in on Canvas) - 30 % Computer coding assignments - 40 % Final project. Each week, we will collaboratively work on challenging problems and worksheets. To reinforce your learning, the completion of these worksheets will be part of your homework. To keep track of your progress and insights, you will maintain a portfolio and a homework journal, serving as a valuable resource for your learning journey. Each week we will also work on a computer project. There will be a final group project where you would select a topic of interest, and present your findings on the last day of our class. ## Course schedule. A rough weekly schedule and topic is as follows, but subject to change due to our progress and class interest. Week 1. Geometry and trigonometry. Week 2. More geometry and trigonometry. Week 3. Complex numbers, logarithms, and exponentials. Week 4. System of equations, limits, optimization with derivatives. Week 5. Modeling the world with derivatives. Week 6. Applications of integration, miscellany topics. ## Policy. Our class operates under the following guidelines to ensure a productive and inclusive learning environment: 1. **Attendance**: Regular attendance is essential for active learning and academic success. Please make every effort to attend all class sessions. 2. **Participation**: Active participation is expected and highly encouraged. Engage in class discussions, group activities, and problem-solving exercises to enhance your understanding. 3. **Attitude**: Approach each class session with a fresh and inquisitive mind. Embrace a positive attitude towards learning, and be open to exploring new ideas. 4. **Respect**: Treat your fellow classmates and the instructor with respect and courtesy. Create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels valued and heard. 5. **Questioning and Mistakes**: Don't hesitate to ask questions. Curiosity fuels learning, and no question is considered insignificant. Be comfortable with making mistakes, as they are an integral part of the learning process! Remember, making mistakes is how we learn and grow. By fostering a supportive and understanding environment, we can all work together to excel in our academic journey. The resources provided in the class will aid your learning, and with your active engagement, we can make this a rewarding and enjoyable learning experience for everyone. ## Campus Resources. UCLA provides a multitude of services and support available to you to support your academic success and personal well-being. You can find more information at this directory listing: [https://equity.ucla.edu/campus-resources/](https://equity.ucla.edu/campus-resources/ )